7th サイドバーを使う


#   image = "img/profile.PNG" # Logo image. Path relative to "static"
  title = "ポケ森攻略まとめブログ" # Logo title, otherwise will use site title
  subtitle = "ポケ森ファンが発信するまとめサイト" # Logo subtitle

  home = "right" # Configure layout for home page
  list = "right"  # Configure layout for list pages
  single = "right" # Configure layout for single pages
  # Enable widgets in given order
  widgets = ["search", "recent", "categories", "taglist", "social"]
  # alternatively "ddg-search" can be used, to search via DuckDuckGo
  # widgets = ["ddg-search", "recent", "categories", "taglist", "social", "languages"]

  recent_num = 5 # Set the number of articles in the "Recent articles" widget
  tags_counter = true # Enable counter for each tag in "Tags" widget

  # Enable parts of social widget
#   facebook = "username"
#   twitter = "username"
#   instagram = "username"
#   linkedin = "username"
#   telegram = "username"
#   github = "username"
#   gitlab = "username"
#   bitbucket = "username"
  email = "m.pokemori@gmail.com"

  title = "個人ブログ"
  url = "https://itsys-tech.com/"
